
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'll get over him

People who know me, know I am a person who expresses her feelings best through songs. Since I ain't that talented that I write my own songs (yet), I use music from various artists. One of my favourit artists is Celine Dion. Ever since I heard her song Think Twice when I was 11 years old, I have been a big fan of her music. Most of the lyrics from her songs have fitted at one point of time exactly to how I felt at that moment. So I thought I would let you guys know which song suits best to me today.

Allthough I am far from being over him, I started today with a different attitude. I love this guy so much, but if he doesn't love me back, it's his loss.... I just have to get over him and make something out of my life. Someday I hope to find a guy who loves me back in the same way I love him and we can be happy, but for now I am just gonna focuss on me.  

I have realised there is no point in trying to make someone love me, when they don't love me just because of me. I'm not gonna try and be better then I am. I am good just the way I am, I am beautiful just the way I am, I am loveable just the way I am!!! And everyone who disagrees, can kiss my lovely behind!!!

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